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Transcription Tuesday XVI: To thee gentle creature

Ariana Malthaner

This week’s original poem comes from the autograph book of Eliza McDonald and appears to be rather romantic in nature. The initials of the author, much like significant other parts of the poem, are difficult to make out. The handwriting is cramped and often illegible, and thus the transcription here is a best attempt.

To Eliza

To thee gentle creature I dedicate these lines

Of my wandering thoughts in measure

Since all that nature of art forms aligns

To thee is devoted with greatest pleasure

And as time doth seem at first consigned

That sweetest of tasks to…

The moons which so happily should be entwined

With the fair lady’s of this season

With enraptured thoughts there attempt to describe

All the graces allotted these fair…

Best alas, my greatest ever came but friendly…

The half of those charms given thee dearest Mademoiselle

Oh Eliza, since nature to these has thus been so abundantly lovesick

Let all thy most noble, exalted and glorious thoughts ever…

To guard the immortal part…lately free from all blemish

And thus a crown of beauty never fading secure to thee shall be

Jul 6 1854