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Podcast Episode 25- A Grave Situation Part 2

We’re back with part 2 in the 3 part series of A Grave Situation from our podcast Life in the Talbot Settlement! In October 2021, the Dutton Dunwich Municipal Heritage Committee hosted an outdoor Doors Open inviting people to visit 10 of our local cemeteries.  We were mostly interested in showing unique grave marker designs, symbolism and iconography versus the stories of the usual prominent citizens.  Research and photographs were compiled by volunteers and can be found on the Municipal Website.   Special thanks to the 2021 municipal heritage committee members Delany Leitch, Blair Ferguson, Laurence Grant, Ron Ross, Angela Bobier, Elaine Brown (who we miss very much), Municipal Planner Tracy Pilon-Abbs, Deputy Mayor Mike Hentz, Municipal Staff member Kate Morreau and all volunteers who assisted in Doors Open 2021.   

Enjoy part two featuring Cowal-McBride, Black’s, and Fairview cemeteries. 

You’ll find the link for the brochures along with a map to get to the cemeteries below. I suggest you download the brochures to your phone or print them off and take a walk around the cemeteries using the podcast as an audio guide, pausing where needed to get to the next marker.  Make it a family outing. 

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I hope you’ve enjoyed part two of A Grave Situation whether you chose to just listen or to visit the cemetery using our podcast as an audio guide.  Come back in one month for the final part.  Did you find all the stones mentioned?  Again, thank you to the entire Municipal Heritage Committee for their work on this project and ongoing heritage work.   

Our next episode on textiles will go live in two weeks. Thanks for joining us!